State of the game as of July 4, 2024

Just some quick details about the latest updates:
Some new things where added :
- New Dash Mechanic! Push shift while in the air to dash forward
- Updates to the Pause and Options Menus (please not they are not complete yet)
Bug fixes and patches:
- Fixed a bug where the wrong music track would play during levels
- fixed a bug were completing the second level would end the game or cause it to crash
Hopes for the future:
While no promises can be made, the hope is to keep improving the game through some simple additions and tweaks. The pause menu, for instance, will continue to receive love with implementing such things as accessibility options and a controls menu. There are also plans to expand and beautify the game by creating more levels, adding decorations, participial effects and better looking UI. The controls are also getting a long look at to make them feel fluid and intuitive.
Thank you very much for checking out my little game and taking the time to read through this. I can't promise much, but that I will continue to try to improve myself and the game!
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